+ 962 6 560 4101 sales@spectroplus.com

AC/DC Hybrid Air Conditioner


Main components of Spectro+ Solar AC/DC Hybrid Air Conditioner:

  1. Indoor unit
  2. Outdoor unit
  3. BOS BOX (charge controller/ combiner box)
  4. Solar Panels
  5. Solar cable long connection pipe with a connector

How Spectro+ AC/DC Hybrid Air Conditioner Works:

ACDC is a hybrid supplied air condition having its controller internally integrated into the outdoor unit.

Can work if both types of electricity supplied the AC, the DC or both together.

Simply it saves most of the day consumption of electricity by using the PV Panel supply (DC) and balance the shortage from the grid supply (AC)

The controller reads the voltage range supply and achieve the minimum required to run the air condition inside the premises (home, office, school, hospital ets….).

Saving on the bill can reach up to 85% because almost all the day time it is using the Solar power.

The ACDC works on a range of voltage that enable it to start work on any point of this range not the same as other types of ACs that need fixed voltage in order to work.

No extras required on the AC unit space, only need enough space to install the PV Panels.

The ACDC has its recommended number of PV Solar Panels depending on the size of the unit.

Spectro+ AC/DC Hybrid Air Conditioner needs 642Kwh in 6 months running so we calculate the energy saving as follows:
In Summer 3 months:
PV Panels: 4* 230W
Effective rate: 75%
Summer: June, July, August
Average sunshine: 6hours
Calculation on energy saving: 230W* 4* 0.75* 90days* 6=373KWH
In winter 3 months:
PV Panels: 4* 230W
Effective rate: 65%
Winter: Dec, Jan, Feb
Average sunshine: 5hour
Calculation on energy saving: 230W* 4* 0.65* 90days*5=269KWH